Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My little pumpkins

Being a Christian is a lot like being a Pumpkin

First, God Picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.
....but I have chosen you out of the world John 15:16

Then, He washes all the "dirt" off the outside, cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.
...the old has gone, the new has come 2 Corinthians 5:17

Then, He carefully removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc from  inside of us
....For we know our old self was crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be done away with  Romans 6:6

and then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see!
...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds...Matthew 5:16

And we will forever be changed
...My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You - I, whom You have redeemed  Psalm 71:23

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day in the life....

And here I thought I'd have so much more time on my hands without working.....LOL! Little did I know how busy I'd be teaching my little munchkins at home. But how blessed I have been!!!

A lot of people, including myself not too long ago, have the misconception that homeschooling means bringing the traditional classroom into your home while your kids are stuck alone with you ALL. DAY. LONG. There isn't much that seems appealing there, right? But I have learned through the help of other homeschooling friends, and the countless literature available on the topic, that there is so much more to it.

Logan is currently in Western Christian ISP where she gets to take classes such as photography and mask-making, art and science, worship, name it, they have it available. But the beauty is that we get to pick and choose! So far she is LOVING her photography class, every Monday,  and Art and Science every other Friday.

And we also joined a homeschool co-op through a wonderful resource called LIFE. We have four different moms , all working together to enrich our middle schoolers through learning.

I have the wonderful opportunity to teach these five girls the Bible every other week.

Working hard in their Bible Journal
Some of the topics we discussed
I can't even begin to tell you how blessed I am each time I work with these girls, and realizing that I get to be a part of my child's learning while growing in Christ. AMAZING!!!

On the alternate Mondays, the girls take cooking with another parent. They are learning about different foods from different cultures, and each week their assignment is to make that food for someone they care about as an act of service. Logan has enjoyed it so much!

Becca trying the Vietnamese lettuce wraps

Yummy rice noodles!

Sweet Amanda waiting her turn

Something else that we've all really enjoyed is that both LIFE and Western Christian offer a TON of educational field trip opportunities.

One of the first activities we took part in was on National Homeschool Movie day, where we viewed Dolphin Tale. What a great movie!!!

Our little co-op after the movie

And though my focus has been primarily on Logan, I've been equally blessed working with Hayden and Brenna on a fun, engaging preschool curriculum.

Working on their letters with My Father's world curriculum

Hayden loves lacing her letters!
One of the other fears I had about homeschooling was in regards to the lack of social opportunity. I have been amazed at how far from the truth that is! In fact, I have had to put a stop to the amount of social activities we take part in each week! With fieldtrips, and classes, and play dates Logan has more than enough socializing going on! :)

Being silly in their room

At the park for P.E.

LIFE group's Park Day event
Girls just wanna have fun!

 So far, despite the challenges that come along any type of life change, I have truly loved this new journey that we are on as a family. I can't wait to share more!!