My little Brenna will be 3 months old this week. I have such mixed feelings about it all. On the one hand, I can't believe she is almost past the newborn stage. Especially since my husband got the big "V" and we realize that she will forever be our last newborn. It's actually very surreal to think about. But, and there's a big but....I'll give you the ugly truth. I am also SO relieved that she is getting bigger with the hopes that her colic and reflux will start to heal. The past few weeks have seemed almost like an eternity just trying to make it through one more day with a very fussy baby.
With all of that in mind, it makes me very sad to think that I just want my precious little newborn to grow, ESPECIALLY since she is our last. I wish so badly that I was able to savour each moment with her. I wish I could just hold her against me for hours without hearing her scream bloody murder for apparently no reason at all. I wish I could feed her without worrying that she's in pain, or that she's going to cry afterward until eventually she falls asleep. It's been a challenging road and one that I will never walk again. And because of that, I'm both relieved and sad at the same time....
But, I digress.... this post is for you my little bear....
Dear Brenna Bear,
I love you with all of my heart, and you have been such a blessing to us. You will forever be the baby in the family no matter hold old you are. Here are some of the things that you are doing right now:
You can hold your head up pretty well
You are sleeping at night up to 7 hours! Good job little one!
You love to be held, but you have to be in just the right position or your tummy will hurt
You love your swing, but only the one that goes side to side (You hated the front to back kind....so your Daddy loves you so much that he bought you a side to side swing for our room too!)
You are drinking 4 ounce bottles like they are going out of style! You can eat girl!
You hate taking your medicine, and it usually makes you scream. Mommy is so sorry that she has to give it to you, but I know it helps your little tummy.
You love your big sisters and they make you laugh a lot!
Your daddy is probably your favorite person right now. As soon as he gets home and holds you, you give him a HUGE smile from ear to ear.
Speaking of smiles, you have the cutest little smile I have ever seen. Your Nama calls it a pixie smile (whatever that means)!
You have a very sweet nature and I think you will be calm once your tummy feels better. You don't seem quite as hyper as your big sister Hayden (at least not yet!)
You grunt ALL the time in your sleep. That's why mommy and daddy let you sleep in your swing at night because you don't make quite as much noise there. I think it makes you more comfortable.
You just found your hands and you think they taste yummy!
You haven't decided yet about the Paci. I think you have a love/hate relationship right now. Perhaps it's because your big sister Hayden always tries to shove it in your mouth!!!
Last but certainly not least, you are such a joy to have in our lives, and I am so looking forward to getting to know your little personality! Mommy loves you very much baby girl!!!

1 comment:
What a sweet letter Carly! I hope Brenna's tummy feels better. I totally can relate to the growing up thing...I think each month should last at least 3. Well of course that is if little miss brenna's tummy was ok then it should. She is a doll.
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