I would love to be able to say that taking three kids to an afternoon Radio Disney event was a piece of cake. I would love to be able to say that my precious little baby never made a peep. And I would love to be able to say that I was the perfect, patient mommy bringing a sense of calm to an otherwise chaotic situation. But all of those statements would simply be false. I would also love to say that I had enough energy at 10:30pm at night to write all about my experience....but unfortunately, that's not true either.
So instead, I'll try to capture the day with pictures.
Here we are at the beginning of the day....we're having fun so far....

And here's my sister (aka surrogate weekend-hubby) holding baby Brenna....

This is Logan and her friends learning some Miley dances.

And some more dancing...they're definitely having a good time!

After about an hour.....Baby's non-stop crying = a very sad mommy.

And after several hours, even party-girl Hayden is pooped....

But at least one of us still has a sense of humor!
1 comment:
Hayden cracks me up! Zech does the same thing in his stroller and puts his feet up too.
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