This has been one heck of a week! Not only was I wrapping up one of the most INSANE months of work I have ever had, but we were also dealing with little Brenna's tummy issues. Remember my last post where I thought perhaps we were in the clear with that whole thing? Well, I was sadly mistaken. Things seem to have gotten progressively worse and we're not really sure why. So we had an upper Gi appointment for her, which came back completely normal. You would think I would be elated at those results, and don't get me wrong, I am so thankful it came back that way. At the same time, I am still left a bit frustrated trying to figure out why she seems like she's in so much pain all the time.
Today we went back to the doctor and he started her on a different medication. Boy do I hope this is the magic drug! He also ordered a head ultrasound, which normally would freak me out....but surprisingly, I'm not at all worried. I know that he's just trying to be careful and explore all possibities. I am thankful to have such a thorough pediatrician! I am pretty confident though that these issues are related somehow to eating and digestion, which is why I'm not too concerned over the whole head thing.
But that's not what I wanted to post (except to say that things have been very busy these days!) I have much cuter and sweeter things to talk about.
Like these two beautiful girls....

We went last weekend to the pumpkin patch with Nama. We drove all the way to Escondido, which I wasn't too thrilled about. But once we got there, it was so worth it. The girls had a ton of fun!!

The girls on a hay ride....Hayden was fascinated by the long stalks of corn around us!

Enjoying snow cones!

My sweet girl...

Picking out pumpkins!

For Halloween, we decided not to trick-or-treat this year, and instead just enjoyed time with family.
Here's my little pink pirate and yellow bumble bee.

In lieu of carving pumpkins, we made potato head pumpkins instead - it was so much fun!

And the finished product:

And where is baby Brenna you ask?
Puking of course!

Thanks Deda for holding her so much!!! You're the best!
1 comment:
I think your sister is just the sweetest for wearing Brenna in the Bjorn! Cute costumes! Ok tell me November is slower for you so we can have another playdate soon :)!
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