Here she is feeding baby Brenna.

Do you notice the pink tummy band around Brenna? This is my new little gadget, called the "Happy Tummy." It has a little pouch filled with an aromatherapy herbal mix. It's supposed to help with colic. (She seems to like it, but it's still no magic cure as far as I can tell)
Then, on Saturday, all of us girls went to the South Coast Plaza for a Selena Gomez signing. I have never seen such madness! There were approximately 2000 fans there to see her, and of course my little Lolo was one of them! We waited in the line for 6 hours. Correction - my SISTER and friend Bryan waited in line. I pretty much stayed with the babies and went back and forth bringing food and treats. I can hardly believe how good the girls were. Hayden LOVES people and was so cute all day. She kept kicking her feet up on her stroller and waving to people as they passed by. This is her once we finally let her out for awhile.

What a little cutie! She was such a trooper. And baby Brenna hardly cried the whole day (but I didn't get a picture unfortunately). As for Logan, she was on cloud nine and it barely phased her to be out in the sun on her feet for that many hours.
Here she is with her new friend Kaiya (Bryan's daughter).

And this is them looking at their new CD's and all of the songs they can't wait to sing!!

Once we finally got close, the girls were so excited! Here is the best shot I could get of Selena up close.

Though it really did feel like forever once we were there, it was so worth it to see how happy the girls were. My shy, quiet little Logan literally screamed about three times when Selena finally got in our view. And then when she got to meet her, she told her how much she loved her and how pretty she was. Selena was so gracious and nice and thanked Logan for being such a great fan. Logan says she thinks Selena told her she was pretty too, but she can't remember for sure. I think she was just so excited that it's all sort of a blur now. But the whole way home, Logan kept saying "I met Selena Gomez. I actually met Selena Gomez. This is the best day of my life!"
Well, thanks to all of my girls and my sister, this was one of the best days of my life as well!!!
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