First let me say....Hayden LOVES her paci. I think her paci is her BFF. Sometimes she actually plays hide and seek with it. And when she finally finds it, she holds it in the air and says "PA-PA" at the top of her lungs. It is the cutest thing. Because of this extreme love for her paci, she feels that EVERYONE deserves to have one. In her big sister glory, she has taken it upon herself to be Brenna's Paci keeper. Whenever Brenna cries, Hayden will find her paci. If it falls out, Hayden demands that she put it back in. If Brenna looks sleepy, the paci better be there for her. It is really the cutest thing!!

Once Brenna was comfy with her Paci, Hayden had to entertain herself. She found that pouring water from one cup to another while trying to dry it up with baby wipes was a very fun past-time.

Unfortunately, mommy didn't think it was so fun to have puddles all throughout her kitchen. So instead, we both agreed that the sink would be a great playground for the day!!

And all of this before the first nap of the day! It's funny how staying at home with your kids will change your perspective. This, to me, marked a very successful morning!
1 comment:
I have almost an identical pic of Zech in the sink the same way Hayden is standing! The paci-keeper story is too precious! Thanks for sharing!
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