About two weeks ago, my oldest little one started the 4th grade. I know it's so cliche for parents to say, but I honestly can not believe she is getting so big. It's funny to me how you can go through life and it feels like time is creeping by at a snail's pace....and yet, suddenly you are at a point where you look back and realize that, in fact, time flew by right before your eyes.
This was Logan on her first day of kindergarten....

And this is Logan now... on her first day of 4th grade....

What a beautiful girl she is!
Some of the amazing things this little one is up to these days include:
~Sending emails to her friends, relatives, and even some of mommy's friends!
~Rocking it out in hip-hop class(she loves learning breakdancing poses)
~Playing babies non-stop with her friends
~Justice clothes and accessories from claire's
~Making jewelry and scrapbooks
~Singing and dancing in her room with her sister (and sometimes all by herself - I just love catching her in those moments!!!)
~Practicing round-offs with her friends at recess
~Talking on the phone! (Yes, I have already considered getting her own private line due to the amount of calls she gets!!)
~Being the best big sissy day in and day out!
~Helping mommy around the house for extra $$ (especially when she wants to save up for something special)
~And of course, anything and everything related to AMERICAN GIRLS!
My little Logan is everything I ever dreamed she would be and so much more....she is bright, funny, witty, sarcastic, adorable, loving, thoughtful, empathetic, giving, polite, introspective, creative, and has an amazing heart for God. Her faith in her higher power is inspiring to say the least, and every day I get a glimpse of His miracles through her....
My little girl isn't so little anymore....
1 comment:
Oh! This post made me teary! What a wonderful gilr Logan sounds like!!!
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