This is quite arguably Hayden's favorite place to be - the trampoline. It was the best darn purchase I think I've ever made. All the kids love it, and it can entertain them and their friends for hours at a time.
Yesterday, this was where the stand-off began.
Let me set the stage for you. Hayden is in the trampoline, and as you can see, it has a net all around it. There is a small door opening on one side of the trampoline. I have baby Brenna on me in the Bjorn, making it nearly impossible for me to actually crawl in there.
As usual...Hayden begins to jump. So far so good. Then, she loses her shoe. No big deal...right? WRONG!
She decides to throw a massive fit because her shoe is off and she wants it back on. Only it's in the farthest possible place in the trampoline for me to reach. So I say to her calmly, "Go get me your shoe honey and I will put it on for you" Simple enough....right? WRONG!
For some reason, this was not an appropriate thing for a mother to ask. Hayden did not want to get that shoe for the life of her. She wanted me, and only me, to get it for her. Of course, I try to reason with her (Yes I know she's only 19 months old, but what choice did I have?)
"Hayden honey, mommy can't get your shoe right now because it's too far for me and I have the baby."
Screaming, screaming, and more screaming.
So then I try my stern voice. (I'm pretty quick on my feet, eh?)
"Hayden, get me your shoe right now."
hmmmm...more screaming.
What now? The only logical next step....the THREATS!
"Hayden, if you don't get me your shoe right now, you are going to a time-out."
This time she screams and runs to the very corner that the shoe is in so that I can't get her either. (Momma didn't raise no dummy!)
How did the stand-off end, you wonder? After about 10 mintues of this banter, during which the baby has been awoken and is now crying, I decide to just leave her in the darn thing. "Bye-bye Hayden, mommy is going inside now."
What did she do? She happily went back to bouncing. Looks like we all know who the winner was this time!