Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The world according to a two year old....

So, I have been totally procrastinating with blogging lately. I have things I'd like to post about- my birthday, Brenna's birthday, the Hillsong concert....and yet, I just don't have the motivation or energy to write much about all of that...

But....I do have the motivation for something else. Hayden has been saying the funniest things lately, so I thought it would be fun to document them:

Funny conversation #1:
ME: Hayden, mommy has to go to work today.
HAYDEN: Don't go to work mommy or else I will cry.
ME: Why will you cry baby girl?
HAYDEN: Because I will have to find you.
ME: You will? Where will you find me?
HAYDEN: In the trash.

Funny Conversation #2:
HAYDEN: Look mommy I have a BIIIIG boogar.
ME: You do? Well get it!
HAYDEN: I can't mommy, that boogar is CRAZY!

Funny Song:
HAYDEN: This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, and this little piggy -- DIED.

Could this girl get any funnier??

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