Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I had such a great Mother's day this year. There is nothing better than celebrating a day in honor of the most precious role in your life, and to me that is motherhood! I can't believe that it's been 10 years - I almost don't remember what my life was like before I was a mom.

On the flip side to that, my heart was heavy for all of the women out there who desire to be a mom and for whatever reason have not been able to fulfill that role. I know that for some women, mother's day is nothing to look forward to.

I have never had trouble with infertility so I can't say that I understand.....but I can certainly imagine how devastating it would be to be disappointed every single month. I have read so many testimonies through the blog world, of women who dread seeing a baby, or a pregnant woman....and my heart truly goes out to those women.

Sometimes, women just find themselves in a season of their lives where motherhood simply isn't in the cards - perhaps one day it will be, but for the time being it isn't, and I can also imagine how difficult that must feel to them. But I do know that there are countless people who "mother" other people's children, and who make a difference in those lives, even though they may not have experienced the actual act of giving birth.

In my life, I know two such women, who have truly impacted my children's lives for the better. I can not picture my girls' lives without these two very special influences, and I am beyond grateful and blessed to have them as role models for my girls.

To you, Den, my loving sister.....and to you, Amy, my best friend in the whole world....THANK YOU for making such a positive difference in the lives of my girls. Thank you for taking the time to make them feel special and loved and heard.....thank you for being a mom to them during times when I needed an extra pair of hands, or just someone else to carry the load. You have both been such a huge part of my motherhood experience and for that, I want to celebrate you for this special day. I know that I didn't exactly tell either of you this on Mother's day, but I'm telling you now (better late than never, right??)

I love girls adore you....and you will always hold such a special role in their lives and mine!!!!

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