And here we are enjoying EVERY minute of it
I know it's a really cheesy picture of us (not to mention seriously unflattering) but I forgot my camera so this was the best we could do :)
We just had such a wonderful time and realized how much we had missed spending quality time with each other! It really made me think about how much I love my husband, and how lucky I am to be married to him! I honestly knew from very early on (in fact he would say from WAY too early on), that Todd would make a wonderful husband and father. And the reason I knew this was because he is really unlike any other man I have ever met. He has such an amazing character and because of that (not to mention how cute he is!) I was so drawn to him.
I am sure he is going to read this, and he'll be a bit embarrassed by it because one of my favorite qualities about him is that he is very humble. He never wants to talk about himself or boast about anything he's accomplished (and he has SO much to boast about!) Recently, he was awarded Top Print Care Specialist with his company and he made it to President's club (which is really hard to do). And instead of bragging about how great he is, he told me that he really believes God has just chosen to bless him. I was so moved when I heard him say that. He is honestly very accomplished, and is one of those people that is just naturally good at whatever he sets his mind to - physically and mentally - and yet, he remains completely humble.
Another quality about my husband that I fell in love with right from the start, is that he is gentle. And by this, I do not mean he is weak in the least. He is just very gentle with his words and gentle with his actions. I can probably count on ONE hand the number of times I have seen him lose his temper, and we have known each other now for 9 years! Living with someone like me, I think that says soooo much. My husband has taught me (though I'm still a work in progress) how to watch my tongue, think before I open my mouth, and fight fair. Where I tend to REACT to situations, my husband RESPONDS. And he does so very thoughtfully and gently almost 100% of the time.
I know I could really go on and on, but I will mention just one more characteristic of my husband that is definitely in the top five - I think fun-loving would be the best way to describe it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not the most care-free person in the world....not in the least. It's actually hard for me, especially since becoming a mother, to just let loose and have fun. I'm most often worried about something, or feeling anxious, or tired, or just simply lost in my own thoughts. It's not something I'm proud of, but thankfully my husband loves me despite it all. And he is the perfect compliment to me because he is just, well... fun. He's super silly, and he's almost always in a good mood. He's always making us laugh with his jokes and his funny names for things. He can invent a game out of just about anything. And one of the things I love most is that when he listens to music, he sings at the top of his lungs. I remember the first road trip we ever took, and he was just singing and singing, louder and louder, and he said "Come on Carly, sing with me!" and I thought, "Is this guy for real? What is he on, and can I please have some?" haha. It makes me laugh just thinking about it, because back then I didn't know that I had met someone who literally just loves life and can truly see the postive in any situation.
I am so lucky to know that this wonderful person is, and will always be, my Valentine!
I love you Todd!
1 comment:
Wow Carly, that was truly a very sweet tribute to your husband. I hope he does read this, because he deserves to know all the beautiful ways in which you describe him to the world. I am so glad you found one another. It sounds like you were really are a match made in heaven!
p.s I bet he would have the same glowing things to say about you too!
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